The eternal truth in a Buddha’s dispensation

Dear devotees, dear children, our Supreme Buddha arose two thousand five hundred years ago from today. Although mankind back then had various practices which they hoped would bring them enlightenment, they were in fact extremely fortunate. We say this because the Supreme Buddha, who had achieved enlightenment, went in search of them and revealed to them the wonderful truth. Those that heard His beautiful message became great sages and thus emerged a golden era in the history of India. They were able to free themselves of all things that make life miserable, depressing, painful, disturbed and sad. They had erased all fear and happily faced all the challenges of life. They were free from the world of birth and death. The wisdom they possessed was superior to the wisdom of man today because it was non-secular. The sermons preached by the Supreme Buddha to engender this amazing wisdom in man is called the Buddha’s Dhamma.

What is Mahamevnawa?


Twenty years ago, I started this Dhamma service and named it ‘Mahamevnawa’ to commemorate the service of Arahant Mihindu Thero. When the pure words of the Supreme Buddha were uttered to the world, it is not surprising that wise beings with a desire to seek the truth flocked around Mahamevnawa. We should only desire the truth spoken by the Supreme Buddha. If we respect the teaching (Dhamma) of the Supreme Buddha, display rituals toward the teaching, venerate the teaching, inquire into life according to the teaching and manipulate life as per the teaching, it will be sufficient for the person who seeks the truth. Why? Because the teaching of the Supreme Buddha is the truth.

To those who gather around Mahamevnawa, I welcome you with loving kindness. There is no discrimination based on nationality in our Dhamma service. No discrimination based on language. No discrimination based on colour. No discrimination based on religion. The truth of the Supreme Buddha is open to anyone who seeks it. If you are wise enough to understand this true teaching, then this Dhamma is for you. It is for your happiness and comfort. So let us all flock around this true teaching. Let us learn it. Let us accumulate it. Let us understand it. Let us live according to it. Let us share it with the world. That is the great responsibility we have in this era…

True consolation for young lives…

Trapped in the midst of modern equipment in the rapidly evolving world of technology, the young seek solace from the outside world, adding to mental stress and leading towards a fatigued life. The delightful land of merit which will lead the way to provide meaning to this upsetting lifestyle and bring comfort to young lives…

For you residing in Melbourne city

The most precious gift you can give your child is love

If you’d like to provide your children with a wonderful future, offer them the greatest protection this world has to offer. That is the protection of the Triple Gem. Success in this life, success in the life after death and the real solution to the cycle of birth and death, are all found in the Dhamma preached by the Supreme Buddha. The true protection for gods and humans alike is the protection of the Supreme Buddha. This is the land of merit where you can, gift this ultimate protection to your child…

The most sacred gift you can give your child, is a thorough education

It is the Arahant Supreme Buddha who realized everything there is to be known in the world through perfect enlightenment. It is Arahant Sāriputta Thero who became most influential in the acquiring of wisdom. It is Arahant Ānanda Thero who became foremost in acquiring mindfulness and memory capacity. Keeping all this in mind, if you can recollect the Supreme Buddha and these Great Arahants, perform rituals while providing them with offerings and chant Pirith while making your child recite their first letters, your child will indeed be fortunate. This is the wonderful land of merit which will show you the way to this fortune…

For expectant mothers…

The number of pregnant mothers who have been healed by the infinite virtuous qualities of the Sage of Mothers, Arahant Aṅgulimāla Thero, is uncountable. The Aṅgulimāla Paritta was chanted establishing the power of truth by the very living definition of kindness: Arahant Aṅgulimāla Thero. It is an extremely powerful Paritta whose influence will last for an entire aeon (kalpa).

As such, from the time your child is in the womb, you can offer your child to the Triple Gem, chant Pirith and perform rituals in order to have a meritorious child who is rich in qualities and wisdom. This is the wonderful land of merit which will show you the way to all this prosperity…

A righteous path to a successful marriage…

Many of us work hard at a successful marriage without much triumph. Those who lived the most beautiful lives in the history of mankind are devotees of the Supreme Buddha. This means that their life in this world and their life after death are both successful. If you too want to make your life a success, this is the wonderful land of merit which will show you the way to all this happiness…

For a generation of virtuous children

As a parent aspiring to gift a successful future to your children, you must provide them with a good understanding on the importance of good qualities, skills, moral attributes and ethics.

The greatest Dhamma that can truly make the lives of children beautiful was bestowed upon the world by our Arahant Supreme Buddha. It was the Buddha’s dispensation that gave rise to Arahants as young as seven years old.

Join us, if you too would like to make your child’s future a success… join the land of merit which will show you the righteous path…

The best gift to give your parents…

It is necessary to protect one’s virtue until old age. This is the best opportunity to provide the protection of the Buddha’s dispensation for your parents…

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